Wednesday, May 18, 2016

7 Ways to Protect Your Space + Your Peace

It's so easy in this day and age to quickly become overwhelmed in our day-to-day lives. Not only do we have our daily responsibilities with work/career/family, but we are constantly "on" (i.e., engaged) non-stop via our phones with all the social networks, texts, emails, etc. We never give our brain a chance to REST. Being pulled in so many directions constantly eventually takes a toll.

Here are some things I do when I'm starting to feel overstimulated and downright stressed with the responsibility (or, expectation?) to stay connected:

1. I disconnect. There are 2-3 people I stay connected with during this time (because let's be honest, this world is crazy and someone needs to know my whereabouts), but in general I seriously limit interactions as much as possible. This includes social media (outside of business posts, because when you're building your own business, it's never closed. In cases like this, it helps to schedule your posts using an app like Hootsuite to take that burden off).

2. I pray. Prayer is something that really settles my spirit and I feel so much peace when I talk to God.

3. I read. It could be a good book, the Bible, an inspiring blog... anything that will encourage me and plant positive seeds.

4. I write. I have always preferred writing as a way to express my feelings vs talking, mainly because I get to express myself without interruption or judgement, and then I can reflect on what I've written.

5. I rest. I make sure to get 7-8 hours and let my body rest, and my mind to regroup.

6. I set boundaries. "NO" is a complete sentence and works wonders for protecting your space.

7. I create a peaceful environment. Candles, aromatherapy, hot tea... whatever helps me to relax.

What are some ways that you de-stress?


  1. These are such great points. Thanks for the advice!

    1. So glad you found it helpful :) Thank you for reading! <3
