Thursday, December 28, 2017

As 2017 Comes to a Close...

Christmas has come and gone, the New Year is just a few days away. 2017 is coming to a close. From what I see online, and based on the events in the world this year, most of you are ready for 2018. I totally understand. I have been trying to focus on the positives, myself. I've had many great experiences in my life this year, and I am looking forward to next year being even better. I hope you can also reflect on the lessons learned and make 2018 more rewarding.

For awhile now, I'd say since maybe 2015 or 2016, I've periodically been taking a step back to just regroup and focus on what is important to me and my life. Something I've learned about myself is that, though it's great that I can be dependable and loyal and all that, I was constantly putting my own needs aside to support many who had no interest in supporting me or learning anything about who I was. I had to ask myself why, and STOP doing it. It was really hard for me, as these were people I held dear to my heart. But my efforts were never (or, very rarely) reciprocated. It became exhausting. Relationships can't be one-sided. Letting go was one of the best things I've done for myself this year, and that is why my own personal life has blossomed, I am sure. I've also been approaching a lot in life with a "less is more" attitude. It really helps me to keep it simple and find the beauty in everyday things that we overlook. I'm continually renewing my mind, and I look forward to what's next.

I pray that you all have an amazing New Year! I'm excited to be celebrating my 1-year wedding anniversary on NYE, enjoying my time off from work, and spending quality time with my family.



Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Reflections + Updates

The last few months have slowed me down a little bit, and I've had some time to process and reflect on things. This past year has been AMAZING for me, but it's been moving SO fast that it's nice to have some time to enjoy the blessings. I've also been re-evaluating my relationships with people in my life, which I do from time to time. It's good sometimes to see how things fit in your life as things change and as you grow. In less than 30 days, I will be celebrating my 1 year wedding anniversary. Our family has had a ton of milestones this year, with birthdays, my husband and I relocating, to preparing to welcome our first child together in a few more months. So, to be able to take it all in for a moment is so needed right now.

Speaking of welcoming my 1st child... My pregnancy has been going well so far. There have been no complications (thank God), just the typical pregnancy symptoms and aches/pains (which no one warned me about, btw). The hip & lower back pain, and occasional round ligament pain, are something else. My body pillow that hubs got me a couple months ago helps most nights but doesn't fully eliminate the discomfort. My workouts have been lightweight -- just walking a few times a week, and doing prenatal yoga stretches. I think this week I will start some light strength training (think squats, lunges). My weight and measurements are on-target according to my Dr, so - so far, so good. I've just been listening to my body and taking it easy when needed. On social media, I've been keeping things low-key. It's funny, I thought I'd be sharing every little thing online, but now that I am actually pregnant, the pregnancy and baby have become so personal to me that I'm very protective. There are some things I'd like to keep just for hubby and I, and now I do understand why some women choose not to share until much later or even when the baby is born. You open yourself up to lots of questions you may not want to answer (for whatever reason), and lots of opinions that you didn't ask for. Outside of that, people have been supportive and loving for the most part, and I appreciate that!! <3